Velkommen til Susan Bleegs hjemmeside.
Her er et lille udpluk af mine malerier og “lerting” samt oplysninger om evt. udstillinger.
Jeg maler glade billeder i glade farver og mit motto er:
Smil til verden så smiler verden til dig . (Piet Hein)
Billeder kan altid ses på Nørrevang 8, 6200 Aabenraa
Prisniveauet på mine billeder er fra 200 kr til 4000 kr
Udstilling Rødding Centret, Søndergyden 15, 6630 Rødding
Jeg havde en udstilling sammen med en keramiker den 24. til 26. oktober 2022 i Rødding Centret.
Udstilling KunstPunkt, Storegade 14, 6440 Augustenborg.
Jeg udstillede sammen med 3 andre kunstnere på KunstPunkt, Storegade 14, 6440 Augustenborg fra fredag den 24. maj 2019 til torsdag den 30. maj 2019.
Udstilling Toftlund Kunstforening, Tolddbodgade 8, 6520 Toftlund
Jeg har udstilling hos Toftlund Kunstforening, Toldbodgade 8, 6520 Toftlund (Bibliotek og biograf) i perioden 5. februar 2019 til 9. april 2019.
Se billeder fra udstillingen unde “Udstillinger”
Udstilling Sygehus Sønderjylland, Aabenraa
Jeg havde en dejlig udstilling på Sygehus Sønderjylland, Aabenraa fra 1. maj 2018 til 30. juni 2018.
Se billeder fra udstillingen under “Udstillinger”
Best Online Casinos in Alberta 2022
Casino Online Alberta is the number one source for all information on the best online casinos in Alberta. Our editorial team has years of experience in the casino industry, and we know what to look for when it comes to finding the best casinos. We only recommend casinos that are licensed and regulated by the Alberta government, and we make sure to test them out ourselves before recommending them to our readers. Casino Online Alberta is also home to a wealth of resources on casino games, including strategy guides and reviews of the latest releases. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a complete beginner, you’ll find everything you need to get started at Casino Online Alberta. So if you’re looking for the best online casinos in Alberta, look no further than Casino Online Alberta. We’ve got you covered.
Alberta Online Casino is the best online casino guide for gambling in the province of Alberta. Our site has been created by a team of seasoned insiders who understand the inner workings of the industry and have decades of experience in both land-based and online casinos. Casino Online Alberta is more than just a review site; we also offer valuable tips and advice on everything from choosing the right casino to playing the games and managing your bankroll. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a first-time player, we can help you make the most of your casino experience. So take a look around our site and see for yourself why Casino Online Alberta is the only gambling resource you’ll ever need.
Udstilling – Danbolig, Aabenraa, 2017
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Forårsudstilling Rødekro Sundhescenter, 2017
Se billeder fra udstillingen under “Udstillinger”
Påskeudstilling 2016
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